In some cases you have to replicate a Python project on a computer without internet connection. In these cases you must not simply copy the venv folder. Requirements for this process: the project, a memory mass storage, another computer with internet connection. First of all, you have to to install Python on the offline machine….
Author: Edoardo
How to open a page in Facebook app in Android with Flutter (deep link)
Maybe, if you are here, it means that you already tried to launch the Facebook URL of a page failing because the browser is launched instead of the native app. Well, to open the Facebook app on a specific page it’s quite simple if you know the correct way. First of all you can use…
How to read multipart form data with Flask
This is a simple snippet in Python that allows to read a multipart form data with Flask.
Calcolo ritenuta d’acconto
Con questi due tool è possibile effettuare il calcolo della ritenuta d’acconto partendo da un importo netto o lordo
[SOLVED] Overlap images in HTML
If you spent hours trying to find a good solution to overlap images in HTML, this is your final solution. This doesn’t require CSS or Javascript. Only HTML. This is a tricky way to overlap images without using that annoying absolute CSS property misused. In fact if you use the position:absolute property, you will not…
Add Font Awesome icons dynamically in Flutter apps
The font_awesome_flutter plugin is very easy to use and contains tons of beautiful icons. But, what if the icons are not known at compile time? I wrote a one-class Dart file that uses the Font Awesome plugin and allows to pick an icon at runtime. Using the naming convention of you can include the…
Easy and ready-to-use alternative to Log4j
I wrote a one-class logger, lightweight and very easy to use. It can be a good alternative to Log4j for small projects or if you want to customize you logging experience. Features It’s a self-contained one-class logger No third party dependencies required Fully customizable It works with jar packages Different levels of logging Logs on…
How to install LaTeX package
Personally I use TeXstudio to create LaTeX documents and sometimes I need to install new packages. Usually, when you try to use a package that is not installed locally, this is the following error: The easiest way to install a new package (in this case the float package) is to use MiKTeX. First of all…
How to use custom fonts in HTML
This is intended to be just a simple example on how to use custom fonts in your website. First of all you have to download the desired font file and here is a short list of the most famous repositories: After you downloaded the zip you will find one or…
How to install custom fonts in html2pdf
Here is a short guide on how to install custom fonts in the famous html2pdf php tool. If you don’t know how to install or how to use it, please checkout my other post here. I hope this can be the final and easy guide to accomplish this task. First of all let’s download the…