I know, editing date/time fileds in a database is not easy and sometimes we don’t use good techniques to do it because of the difficulty. In some of my projects I had to manage timestamp, so, I would like to share some useful tips. Split a timestamp into two elements: SELECT d[1] AS date, d[2]…
Author: Edoardo
Easy and free HTML to PDF with PHP
Transforming your html and php webpages into a great PDF it’s going to be super easy from now. Online I googled hundred times a good library to generate PDF dinamically and the only interesting found was the following https://github.com/spipu/html2pdf I think it’s absolutely the best free lib and it’s very easy to use. It uses…
Android Studio cannot preview?
You are starting a new Android project, you open your Android Studio, Gradle is building…exciting! You open your main activity .xml file, put a new button and….nothing happens. Android Studio won’t preview the layout of your application…damn… Solution: for most of the tamplates that you can choose from the wizard, the fix is very simple….
Reti di calcolatori: riassunti dall’UNIMI
Durante il corso di “Reti di calcolatori” del corso triennale in Informatica presso l’Universitร statale di Milano ho raccolto appunti e immagini per pubblicarli sotto forma di libro di circa 90 pagine. Contiene i concetti base delle reti e spero possano essere d’aiuto sia per gli studenti di Milano che di tutti gli altri studenti…