This is a demo. Drag elements to reoder them.
Demo page here
Download zip here
Video to show how this works on different platforms and devices (browser, mobile on browser, real Android device, simulated Android device):

Will this really work on mobile devices? I tried it and if I use the developer tools to simulate the mobile version it first seems to work – thats better than before where it only worked on Desktop but not on Mobile-Device-Simulation. Fine.
BUT: if I activate the touch simulation nothing happens . Actually I have no idea how to test it in reality.
Hi Katrin and thank you for visiting my blog.
I uploaded in this post a video showing the demo on different platforms and resolutions.
I hope this will help you 🙂
Here a late response: I found the reason for my bug: I had just to put the links to touchpunch.js etc at the end of the body of the html-file. (Before I had the links in the html-head.) After that ist worked also perfect for mobile devices 😊. Maybe it’ s because I also hve link to bootstrap and the order of the links and their position is crucial for the functionality. – I hope this comment will help others.
Thanks for leaving this Sortable-code here!
Thank you Katrin for this update!